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5 tips to stop your recruitment database walking out the door

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 8:41am Thursday 24 March 2011    Print Article

How many times have I heard stories of Recruitment Consultants walking out the door with a database of client or candidate records. I doubt you would even know if it has happened to you!

It's too late trying to recover stolen data from ex employees once they leave. Sure you could peruse them in the courts but unless there is hard evidence data has been access and removed what chances do you have?

Here are 5 tips to tighten up access to your data
  • Ensure your employees do not have administration access to your system and change database administration passwords periodically.
  • Ensure your database provider/vendor has the ability to "log" user activity. As a minimum you should require login, record access and file download logs. Take the time to go through these logs, you will be surprised.
  • Modify the outgoing email file size limit. 4mb should be more than sufficient for most recruitment activities.
  • Restrict access to shared drives and folders. No point in implementing the above suggestions if the user can bypass the system and access the files via the hard drive.
  • Disable USB storage devices and port access.
It's important to understand that technology alone is not going to solve the problem.

This is your business walking out the door.

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Article Tags: recruitment database database management recruitment security database logs data leakage prevention

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