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Corporate Social Networking Trends

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 3:41pm Monday 12 January 2009    Print Article

I read an interesting article about Corporate Social Networking Trends in Talent Management just before Christmas, and only just remembered I had the link saved in my folder. Score!

Recruiting Trends

Human Capital Institute

According to HCI research, there is a heightened awareness among HR and talent management professionals regarding the benefits of these collaboration and knowledge-sharing technologies for acquiring, onboarding, managing, developing and motivating employees. This includes allowing for better informal training by using communities of practice (29 percent) and threaded discussion boards (29 percent), improved communications via communities of practice (42 percent), and faster knowledge transfer via wikis and blogs (26 percent). Respondents also believe that implementing these tools will allow them to access and retain corporate memory and tacit information that could provide significant organizational benefits.

Despite the increased experimentation and perceived benefits of leveraging Web 2.0 applications in the enterprise, organizations included in the research felt that user adoption (37 percent) was among their greatest barriers in using these tools for business purposes, with lack of integration with corporate networks or other business applications identified by some as an inhibitor to employee usage. Creating a compelling business case for the tools (34 percent) also was seen as one of the greatest barriers to corporate usage.

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