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Is SEO important for individual job adverts?

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 6:33pm Wednesday 10 June 2009    Print Article

This blog post has evolved from a lengthy debate with an industry colleague today. While we agree that SEO is important for all recruitment sites - should we rank the individual job ads higher than the rest of the site?

We managed to summarise the problems into a few discussion points. These points are also relevant for job aggregators. What do you think?
  • How often do the search engines crawl your website - daily, weekly?
  • Job adverts are usually only online for 30 days; therefore any links established will effectively be pointing to a closed advert.
  • Is linking to closed adverts fair on the job seekers or dose this create an opportunity for the site to suggest other job ads based on the search query?
  • Should sites display closed adverts or a simple error message?

With everyone now "tweeting" jobs, its great to see aggregators like TwitterJobSearch now implementing functions where you can report that the job advert is closed.

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Article Tags: seo job ads search engine closed adverts aggregators twitterjobsearch

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