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Bing & SEO

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 11:09pm Thursday 20 August 2009    Print Article

A few months ago, Microsoft launched their new search engine called Bing replacing MSN Live. Actually, it’s now called a “search decision engine”. Is Bing a real threat to Google? Maybe, maybe not. It will all depend on the user uptake and search relevance. How well does your recruitment website rank in Bing?

There is a lot of confusion in the industry caused by different advice on SEO - "jobs" must be your number 1 keyword.... errrr no.

Let's face it; unless you are going to spend an enormous amount of money and resources on SEO, you are going to waste your money trying to become the number 1 search result for "jobs". 

Instead, focus on relevant keywords specific to your organisation and services. Think outside the box and remember these keywords are not set in stone. What keywords would you use to search for a job?

There is no guarantee that if your website ranks well on Google you will rank the same on Bing. But one thing is for certain - your website needs to be visible on the search engine. Try searching for “jobs” on both Google and Bing (disregard the sponsored links).

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Article Tags: bing google seo search engine optimisation search engine search ranking search decision engine

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