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Ambulance Chasers

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 6:43pm Tuesday 24 February 2009    Print Article

I read an interesting article in today’s Recruiter Daily called "Hone your ad chasing skills", and it got me quite ruffled up. The article refers to recruiter’s ambulance chasing job adverts. Surely Recruiters would have built strong relationships over the years with clients and understand their business?

There are many sly tactics you could use to ambulance chase for roles, but what is this doing to your credibility, brand, and ethics? Why step back from the things you have worked so hard to build.

Put yourself in the clients shoes... imagine how many calls they would be getting from other Recruiters!

Employers have been laying off staff, the unemployment rate is growing and therefore there are more candidates looking for work. In turn, this means applications (for most roles) are at a all time high!

Employers know that they can put up a job advert and be inundated with applications, so you should be selling other services (such as short listing) to secure at least some of the work.

More and more Employers are making it loud and clear in their job adverts **Agencies do not call**

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