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Advanced Twitter use for Recruitment

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 4:58pm Wednesday 27 May 2009    Print Article

If you missed out on attending the Advanced Twitter use for Recruitment webinar dont despair. You can still purchase the webinar recording, presentation slides and twitter resources sheet for $45.00 To purchase the webinar recording and resources, please use the online payment form and you will be able to download the documents.

Did you know that since the first webinar Using Twitter for Recruitment, Recruiters have successfully used Twitter to fill roles making $$$! Are you one of those smart recruiters who can say… "I made a placement using Twitter”

This 60 minute webinar is packed full of information including
  • How Twitter can add value to the recruitment process and your business
  • Automation! Cut costs, resources and speed up your productivity on Twitter
  • What is API, OAuth, OpenID
  • Branding - appearance & presentation, content & conversation, trust
  • Managing multiple profiles
  • Automate manual tasks – increase productivity
  • Posting content via API or RSS directly to Twitter
  • How to measure ROI and effectiveness of campaigns on Twitter.
  • Advanced boolean/x-ray search functions
  • Tips and tricks

Article URL:

Article Tags: webinar thomas shaw advanced twitter twitter recruitment advanced twitter use in recruitment online recruitment tips social recruiting xray search boolean search api oauth opened productivity training session recruitment branding

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