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Using Twitter for Recruitment

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 1:02am Thursday 30 April 2009    Print Article

Below is the recording from last week’s webinar on "Using Twitter for Recruitment" You can register for other upcoming webinars here.

Twitter, the fast-growing networking site, offers recruiters new ways to source quality candidates and channels to win more business - all for no extra spend.

You will learn how to:
  • Sign up to Twitter and build your professional network
  • Use Twitter to post jobs for free
  • Source passive candidates using Twitter
  • Find open jobs on Twitter, winning you more business
  • Grown your employer brand
  • Monitor your clients and competitors

Download Webinar Recording 15th April 2009 - 67.82 MB

I have uploaded the presentation with 2 different versions, and you can also view the presentation online (or incorporate into your own blog/website)

1 slide per page – 2.46mb

2 slides per page – 2.41mb

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Article Tags: webinar twitter recruitment thomas shaw social recruiting

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