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Using RSS feeds in your Job Search

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 8:54pm Monday 22 June 2009    Print Article

A RSS feed can compliment your other job hunting methods by bringing you instant and targeted jobs directly to your computer screen or inbox. RSS is an acronym for Really Simple Syndication. RSS delivers information (in this case, jobs) in a simple web language called XML.

The feeds will provide you a simple list of jobs available in the search category/location and link directly to the job. Be sure to set your reader to periodically update your RSS feed so you can access the most recent job additions.

What are the advantages of setting up a RSS feed?
  • It allows you to easily stay informed by automatically retrieving the latest jobs from the sites you are interested in.
  • You save time by not visiting each site individually.
  • You can read the feed when and wherever it suits you.
  • You don’t have to give anyone your email address.
  • Ability to "mash-up" multiple job feeds from multiple sources.
  • Increases productivity.
  • You can unsubscribe.
  • It's free.

How do I find out if a website has an RSS feed?

RSS feeds are available on most major job boards. Few sites tell you that RSS is an option. Often, you need to perform a job search from various criteria before the button appears.

The website usually indicates the existence of the feed with a link to "RSS", or sometimes by displaying an orange button with the letters "XML" or "RSS".

Once you know the URL of an RSS feed, you can provide that address to a RSS feed reader/aggregator.

How do I set up my feed reader/aggregator?

If you don’t have a RSS reader on your computer, there are plenty of free downloads available. For those people who prefer web based RSS readers, Google Reader is a good choice.

One question you might consider is where you will be when you review the feed results? If the only computer you have access to, is at work; you might consider a web based solution or set up the RSS delivery via email.

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Article Tags: rss job search google reader job board xml feedburner

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