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Articles posted on 2009-04-26

Adding keyword tags to your job adverts
9:26pm Sunday 26 April 2009
Tags: job adverts keyword seo search engine fast keywords

Most recruiters would be unaware about this little tweak you can add into your job adverts. By adding a list of keywords, it can slightly improve the search results position. Is this true...? We will never know all the secrets to the complex search algorithm used by the job boards. read more...

Why should I create a social networking profile?
5:35pm Sunday 26 April 2009
Tags: social networking tips how to profile

Social networking sites allow you to know and to be known to multitudes of people throughout the world. Through the sites you can meet many influential individuals and organizations who can get you referrals, new collaborations, more business and ultimately greater profits. Any person big or small, can become successful with the help of social networking sites. read more...