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We REALLY need a Recruitment Consultant

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 2:43pm Saturday 21 February 2009    Print Article

Yesterday, this Recruitment Agency posted 85 identical job adverts in the SAME category, and SAME locations within a few hours. Was this mistake made by the Recruitment Consultant, 3rd party posting provider or the job board? How much money did they just waste? Estimate $45 per advert (approx $ rate for agency of that size) x 85 = $3,825

16 identical adverts within a few hours for Sydney / HR & Recruitment > Recruitment Consultant

17 identical adverts within a few hours for Brisbane / HR & Recruitment > Recruitment Consultant

17 identical adverts within a few hours for Perth / HR & Recruitment > Recruitment Consultant

18 identical adverts within a few hours for Melbourne - Inner / HR & Recruitment > Recruitment Consultant

17 identical adverts within a few hours for Adelaide / HR & Recruitment > Recruitment Consultant


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