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Web 2.0 in Recruitment

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 2:22pm Friday 27 February 2009    Print Article

Social media is amazing – let me give you a real example from yesterday. I uploaded my presentation for the Inspecht HR Futures conference on Web 2.0 in Recruitment to SlideShare

Within a few hours I was notified that the presentation was recommended by viewed to showcase on the Career section. 6 hours later, I was notified that the presentation was then to feature as the “Featured Slides of the Day” on the home page. Amazing! This is exposure, money can't buy.

That’s the power of social media and power of the people.

I have uploaded the presentation with 2 different versions, and you can also view the presentation online (or incorporate into your own blog/website)

1 slide per page – 7.59mb

2 slides per page – 7.5mb

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