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Upcoming Webinar - Social Recruiting 101

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 5:36pm Wednesday 27 May 2009    Print Article

There is a lot of buzz surrounding the use of Social Networking sites like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and LinkedIn. But have you actually mastered the use of basic web 2.0 tools? Most recruiters are confused on how to integrate these tools into their recruiting strategy in a scalable fashion!

During this FREE webinar presented by online recruitment specialist Thomas Shaw MRCSA, you will learn:
  • What is Social Recruiting
  • How to create a basic Social Recruiting Strategy
  • How to best use tools such as social bookmarking, RSS, aggregators, social networks, virtual worlds, video, podcasts, wikis, referral networking, blogs, micro-blogging.
  • How to effectively manage and integrate these tools into day-to-day use
  • Integrate these tools into your website, career site or job board
  • ROI, measurement & management
  • Tips & tricks
Thursday 11th June 2009, 11:00am AEST
Duration: 1 hour

Find out how why these tools are important for you to master. Don’t get left behind. Sign up now

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Article Tags: webinar thomas shaw facebook myspace twitter linkedin web2.0 social recruiting social recruiting strategy social bookmarking rss aggregators social networks virtual worlds vidoo podcasts wikis referral networking blogs micro-blogging roi social recruiting 101

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