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Recruitment Directory releases white label iPhone job search applications

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 10:00am Friday 07 August 2009    Print Article

Recruitment Directory has continued its dominance in developing recruiting products for emerging technologies and social media sites. Recruitment Directory has developed a white label job search applications for the Apple iPhone. (see media release)

Announcing the iPhone application, Thomas Shaw, Managing Director of Recruitment Directory said “Once again, we are leading the way in helping recruiters, job boards and employers understand and utilize emerging technologies to source candidates. We have developed an innovative way for organisations to create their own application for the iPhone.”

“The opportunity for innovation on mobile devices has increased significantly, but organisations are unable to take full advantage of this medium. There are a number of barriers such as having the expertise and knowledge to create integrated applications. We led the way in sourcing candidates by Facebook, MySpace and Twitter and developing mobile applications was always the next logical step.”

“Most people would argue with me that having a dedicated mobile application is a waste, and sometimes I would agree with them - except the benefit of just having “1 click” to load a job search application outweighs users having to remember and type a job sites URL into the browser.”

“Our applications are simple, easy to use and allow the user to experience the iPhone interface.”

“When distributing your jobs to a job site, social media and other destinations; it is important to create integration with the systems platform. This way you can utilize and enhance the users experience on that particular platform - not just open the full advert in a new window. Each application will be fully branded with the clients’ details, graphics and job feeds.”

“When developing the concept for iPhone job search applications, we wanted to make it as easy as possible for both the advertiser and most importantly the end user to use - simple and uncomplicated.”

White label job search applications for the iPhone are available now from Recruitment Directory. Sample screen shots below.

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Article Tags: recruitment directory facebook myspace iphone apple iphone media release product development mobile enabled job site job search mobile mobile recruitment mobile recruiting job search application iphone application iphone job search

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