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RCSA needs your help

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 11:17pm Sunday 31 May 2009    Print Article

It's great to see the RCSA has (not) fixed all the website issues it has been having. For the past 6 Sunday's in a row it has failed like clockwork. So how do they fix the issues?

  1. Get correct advice
  2. Change server hosts

Why do you get 80070070 errors?

One of the disks that your ASP page is trying to write to is full. It may be the drive the ASP page is running in, or creating a file in (which could be a share on another machine). It may be the drive containing the temp folder(s) or the page file(s). If you are using CDONTS, it could be the SMTP server.

Check the code, and analyze where it might be writing files; then, check those locations for sufficient space.

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Article Tags: rcsa website server asp errors

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