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Do not "Auto Approve" job adverts

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 8:13pm Sunday 29 March 2009    Print Article

It amazes me how job boards (and other classifieds sites) continue to allow adverts to be posted live without checking the job advert or advertiser. Checking to see if the advertiser is legit is one step you can take to stop scams (and fake ads) appearing on your site.

It is:
  • unprofessional
  • misleading
  • gives job seekers a false sense of hope
  • looks bad
It is not hard to program in a function to leave the job advert in "Awaiting Approval" status while a staff member checks the job advert/advertiser. Although this can increase the backend administration workload, it's better to be safe than sorry.

Most off-the-shelf job board software will have this function prebuilt in. If you believe it is "too hard" to do, get out of the industry. Technology is moving at a very fast rate, and job boards need to be continually updated with new functions and security updates.

No explanation needed for the job advert below.

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Article Tags: job boards scam job advert online advertising hippo job board software

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