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jobs.NSW Goverment job board now powered by Taleo

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 9:00am Friday 16 October 2009    Print Article

After 9 months of splash pages and redirecting visitors to a number of different job boards. Taleo has released the new job board and career portal for NSW Government called jobs.NSW

Earlier this year the NSW Government's job board was hacked and candidates data was apparently used in a number of phishing scams. At that same time, Taleo was awarded the contract for the whole-of-government e-recruitment solution.

The site design and layout is clean, fresh and appealing to the eyes. Unfortunately I was let down by the complicated job search form and lack of job board features (eg RSS feeds).

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Article Tags: nsw government job board taleo job search website design hacked jobs.nsw careers career portal e-recruitment

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