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Radio Interview - Twitter for Job Seekers

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 10:38am Monday 11 May 2009    Print Article

This morning I was interviewed on Career Communique Radio - Your Career Catalyst with Annemarie Cross and Keith Keller titled "Twitter for Job Seekers".

Social media and social networking is rapidly becoming an important tool and strategy in a job seekers job search. If you’re not familiar with social networking or are not using this as part of your job search, then this show is a must listen.

We discussed how you can maximise your job search efforts by using Twitter and social networking in your job search efforts.

You can download the recording here (note: 7.3mb) or listen to the podcast below. The interview with me starts at the 13m15s mark. You can listen to the edited version below.

Why Job Seekers should use Twitter
  • It offers you a venue to demonstrate your expertise and share information in quick, pithy bursts of wisdom. This is perfect if you don’t have the time or energy to create a blog.
  • Twitter doesn’t have to be very time-consuming, but if it’s going to be part of your job search strategy, make a point to keep up with it by sending out something useful every day.
  • Read what other people write and respond. Join conversations and start your own.
  • Don’t be afraid to send a message directly to a professional in your field. Simply address your tweet to their Twitter name, and they should receive it.
  • Use the direct message feature if you have a private or personal note. Remember that the recipient may respond publicly, though.
  • Feel free to tweet that you are looking for an opportunity.
  • It can give you immediate access to other professionals in your field. When you follow industry leaders, you’ll know who spends time with them, what conferences they attend, what they’re reading and what is on their minds. This is great information to leverage for your search.
  • You will increase your exposure and credibility as well as personal and professional relationships when you connect to others in your industry.
  • Search by keyword on or use mashups like or

  • Brand yourself professionally. Choose a professional Twitter handle using your name or some combination of your name and profession that sounds good and is easy to remember.
  • Take time to create a professional profile that will attract your target market. If you don’t have a website, link to your LinkedIn profile.
  • Listen to what people are saying;
  • Interact with groups of people on the same topics by using the Hashtag markup, a # followed by a keyword.
  • Before you follow anyone, start posting some tweets. This will help you establish your presence and help you get used to "twittering"
  • Continue to build your network by using Twitter Search and Twitter’s Find People tool. Manually review profiles and use Twubble to help you find new people to follow. Use directories such as Twellow and TwitDir. Grow your network slowly - you don’t want to follow 1000 people and have only 30 following you. That makes you look spammy, not professional.
  • Add yourself to the various directories such as or
  • Remember the phrase "give and you shall recieve"? Think about what you can do for others. Don’t blatantly self-promote. Instead, help promote others. “Retweet” (pass along information someone else shared, giving them credit) - you will earn followers and friends this way. Those who know (and like) you will become part of your network and will be willing to help you.

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Article Tags: twitter job seekers annemarie cross keith keller blogtalkradio thomas shaw career communique radio

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