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Articles posted on 2012

Silly mistakes
3:25pm Friday 07 September 2012
Tags: job ads online recruitment skilled jobs.nsw ugl

It's always a good idea to preview the job ad before posting it live. read more...

QR Codes in Print Job Ads
3:33pm Monday 27 August 2012
Tags: mycareer mobile recruitment qr codes job ads

I'm not sure why I still read Saturday’s edition of MyCareer (probably waiting for the souvenir last edition). But I found 2 job ads with QR codes! read more...

I don't care that you have more LinkedIn connections than me. You can buy them for $5
3:23pm Monday 16 April 2012
Tags: recruitment job seekers resume services background checks linkedin linkedin connections linkedin recommendations

How much would you pay to increase your Linkedin connections, recommendations as well as search ranking? Guess what? It's worth $5 read more...

More jobs than SEEK?
2:53pm Friday 06 April 2012
Tags: seek job board job aggregation scraping uworkin aussierecruitment jobg8 reinvent your career careerone expired ads job ad indeed

I have to give credit to new players entering the market. But basing success on a questionable metric is not a smartest move. Are job aggregators, job boards? read more...

Fail Whale. Phishing link love
1:26pm Friday 06 April 2012
Tags: twitter spam security phishing recruitment adecco myrecruitonline

Hey recruitment industry.... Time to change your passwords. Here are 2 of the 100 or so message I have had over the past week. read more...

if(candidate.experience.contains(it)) ++bonusPoints
3:46pm Monday 20 February 2012
Tags: funny job ads it job ad marketing frontlinesms ihub innovation it developer java code

It's great to showcase an innovative job ad from Kenya formatted in code.If you are having trouble reading the job ad, Frontline SMS (a non-profit organisation in Kenya) is looking for a Software Developer to join their team read more...

For bonus points, apply using the API
2:09pm Friday 03 February 2012
Tags: job board api marketing application process

I nearly wet myself seeing this innovative way of applying for a job. For those IT professionals, this will interest you. Well done Parse. read more...