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Articles posted on 2009-08-20

Bing & SEO
11:09pm Thursday 20 August 2009
Tags: bing google seo search engine optimisation search engine search ranking search decision engine

A few months ago, Microsoft launched their new search engine called Bing replacing MSN Live. Actually, it’s now called a “search decision engine”. Is Bing a real threat to Google? Maybe, maybe not. It will all depend on the user uptake and search relevance. How well does your recruitment website rank in Bing? read more...

Don’t be a mule
1:00am Thursday 20 August 2009
Tags: job boards phishing scam email scam bank account mule

They say things happen in three’s. Over the past 24 hours, there has been a number of scam emails (phishing) circulating saying they have found your resume from various Australian job boards and need your help. One of these was even sent to me. read more...