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Articles posted on 2009-07-28

Are you adding value to your database? Effective database management tips
10:30am Tuesday 28 July 2009
Tags: database candidate database database management recruitment database data integrity data capture data validation data quality information management information systems tips

Every recruitment agency has some sort of database to store candidate/client contact information, notes, conversations, jobs, resumes, files, invoices etc. A properly designed and well maintained database can help improve internal efficiencies, provide accurate data, cut costs and speed up the recruitment lifecycle. read more...

Creating an Effective Social Media Strategy, Part 2 - Take Time to Listen, Don’t Just Jump In
8:00am Tuesday 28 July 2009
Tags: social media social media strategy social networking online recruitment creating a strategy conversation communication collaboration pr spokespeople vocus online marketing online communication social recruiting social recruiting strategy measuring social media

The first step in putting together an effective social media strategy is to understand the dynamics of the landscape. With social media, it is more important than ever to listen to what is being said before participating. What are people saying, how is it being said and where are they saying it? read more...