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Time Management - Tips to become more productive

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 4:56pm Wednesday 21 January 2009    Print Article

Those people, who are using their time management skills effectively are found to be more creative and better performers. Whenever I meet with a client, not only am I trying to establish a good rapport with the person but also evaluating their time management skills. Time management is the "foundation" to getting organised, and staying organised.

  • Every meeting does not need to happen nor does it need to be an hour long.
  • Do not automatically say yes to any use of time. Is this interruption going to lead to $payment?
  • Every email does not instantaneously need to be responded to or even read.
  • When someone wants to talk with you for "1 minute" do you just react and say "Yes?"
  • Schedule your diary calendar into blocks of productive time.
  • Block out time to find new opportunities (lead generation) and time to prospect them on the phone.
  • Block out appointment time for face-to-face sales calls.
  • Block out time for important strategy sessions (major accounts).
  • For high activity sales teams, focus sales time on being in front of prospects or fighting to be in front of them.
  • For major account sales team, focus sales time on planning, doing, and reviewing ... then start this cycle over.
For getting good results, prepare a list of tasks to be completed daily, separate them into important, urgent as well as wasting time categories and develop work schedules that enable you to complete the tasks in time. The key to managing your time effectively is to set up work schedules by having result oriented tips on time management.
  • Make a list of the tasks or activities, night before, that you want to perform tomorrow.
  • Convert big tasks into easy and small ones to divide the work.
  • Save all the important information at a place on your computer where you can find it easily, so that you don't have to waste your time while searching for the same. Bookmark in your Internet Explorer or save the address in a Notepad file.
  • Never postponed your work schedules unless there is valid reason.
  • Set timings for each task, may it be big or small.
  • Try to complete your task within the specific time.
  • Concentrate on your work to avoid mistakes and repetitions.
  • Do not waste your time on telephone calls while doing your work, unless you are learning something from that discussion. Leave it until the end of the day, or slower periods where you can give the other person on the phone your own time without distractions
  • Do not keep any work for tomorrow which is listed in that days work schedule as tomorrow never comes.
  • Learn to say "NO". Many times the activities that drain us are the ones in which we are participating in even though we do not want to be. Say No and find yourself with a lot more time on your hands.
  • Your success in life will not depend upon how many hours you have worked in life but how well you have utilised your time in life.
  • Separate the tasks to be completed immediately from the important tasks to insure that the goals at the top of the list are accomplished. This is critical. If we plan to do the most important task last, we run the risk of not getting the most important tasks done and frustrating ourselves! Ever had that "GAHH" feeling?
At times, some circumstances arise in our life, when we find that time is very precious. We are able to recover the money but not the time lost. Hence, it deserves respect and regard as it can create wonderful things. History shows that great inventions were made possible by those, who made the best use of time.

By following the above tips on time management, make sure that you develop a habit to automate routine tasks, so that you get more time to try additional strategies for growing your business. Ensure as far as possible that your time and energy is utilized on the high payoff tasks.

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