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Taking the Job Board to the people

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 3:21pm Wednesday 18 March 2009    Print Article

While having drinks with Kelly and Karen from Six Figures last Friday afternoon, I suggested numerous marketing ideas, to which they took one of them up. I spent this morning out on the street, with the Six Figures team outside Telstra/ANZ towers in Collins Street, Melbourne.

The aim of the exercise was to offer career assistance to those staff affected by redundancies plus promoting the job board to the marketplace. With our branded t-shirts and marketing materials, we managed to offer some light relief (and a smile) to staff on their way to work.

Kelly sums it up perfectly... “Sometimes the most effective assistance comes from the simplest of things”

Whilst Six Figures is a cutting edge job site, this tech start up knows that relationships and connecting with people both online/offline is what counts. That’s why they spent this morning connecting with the workers and job seekers of Melbourne, offering their support!

Congrats to the Six Figures team who were able to put together the resources and mobilize the marketing event with only a few days notice.

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