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Find a Job on Twitter

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 12:18am Wednesday 17 June 2009    Print Article

Jobsite UK has launched the first personalised, targeted and integrated method for job seekers to receive automatic job alerts on Twitter. Job seekers will no longer have to sift through pages and pages of irrelevant tweets. Well done!

Currently Employers, Recruiters and Job Boards are feeding jobs into Twitter manually or automatically via RSS Feeds/API integration. The constant stream of jobs has created a lot of "noise". Jobsite has created a simple solution to solve these problems.

Follow Jobsitejobs on Twitter and they will send you a DM (direct message) with a unique URL for you to set up your job alert settings.

Jobsite uses your existing Bio and Location to auto populates the basic job alert criteria. You can refine the search results by keywords, location, salary and tweet frequency (once or twice a day).

Once you have set up the alert criteria, you will receive job alerts matched to your criteria directly into your Twitter inbox. You can edit your job alert at any time by sending a DM to Jobsitejobs with "Edit".

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Article Tags: jobsite twitter tweet job board integration job seekers process improvement

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 GaryRobinson (1:49am Wednesday 17 June 2009)

Thanks for the comments Thomas. You hit the nail on the head regarding the 'noise' on Twitter. It can be a great tool for things like job hunting, but you have to get the process right.

Technology has come too far to continue broadcasting information without any filtering. Services need to be thinking about how they can address the needs of the individual. If you rely on the jobseeker to do the hard work of searching through everything you send them, then you'll more than likely lose them as a subscriber pretty quickly.

This new service is just one of many that aims to deliver on our goal to make job hunting easier and less frustrating for those involved.

Glad you liked it.

kind regards

Gary Robinson
Marketing Manager
Jobsite UK

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