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Has your job expired?

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 12:14pm Tuesday 16 June 2009    Print Article

You must be curious. What's with the dandruff-farm-turned-ski-resort in this video? At first I thought it was new marketing campaign for SEEK, but I was wrong. This recruitment marketing campaign is actually for international VoIP provider Skype.

The bizarre campaign redirects users the campaign website My Job Has Expired and then to a list of jobs at Skype.

In the campaign videos, you saw a miserable world of meaningless work and dead-end jobs. Sure, that vision was exaggerated. But here's the liberating truth: if you join Skype, your work will be challenging, satisfying and meaningful. You've come a long way. So take a look at what we have to offer. And who knows, maybe your talent will find a new home at Skype.

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Article Tags: skype marketing campaign video seek curiosity

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