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Email your interviewer and tell them they suck!

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 1:50pm Thursday 13 August 2009    Print Article

So you think you have the upper hand when in the recruitment process? Think again. A new service called Anonymously email your interviewer and tell them they suck! Allows candidates to send you a anonymous email telling you that you suck. We tried the service and have attached the email below.

Important: Don't be a jerk. Send a letter only if all the following conditions are met:
  • It's been four or more weeks since your interview, or at least two weeks longer than the time frame in which you were told they'd get back to you.
  • You have followed up and not heard anything back for at least two weeks.
  • You have read and followed this article on how to follow up properly.
If you're still being ignored? It's letter time.

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Article Tags: candidate interview email rejection recruitment process etiquette feedback

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