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Customer satisfaction the JobAdder way

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 12:57pm Tuesday 17 March 2009    Print Article

Promotional items are more important than ever in a tight economy. You want every edge you can get, and many of these items will reap rewards way beyond their cost. I was so excited to receive some promotional snakes from JobAdder in the mail today.

Gifts are always in season - don't think you have to wait for a major holiday like Christmas, Easter, Melbourne Cup, etc to give your special clients a gift. You can make up your own holiday if you want to!

The point is; gifts are useful to your company to further goodwill, make an impression, mark your appreciation for their support and business, and to promote your own company.

Be sure to get the gift imprinted or embroidered with your company name. If there is room and it is appropriate, include your name and phone number, or the company contact information.

You want your gift to be used, so make sure it is something the client will appreciate, enjoy, and keep using. This helps keep your company name fresh in their mind and in front of their eyes.

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