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Articles posted on 2010-08-09

IT Video Resume - Killa Appz
4:33pm Monday 09 August 2010
Tags: using video in recruitment video cv youtube dave berzack web development rap song candidate video resume

Dave Berzack, a freelance web developer, created this music video about web development. He raps along to the paper planes track about his skills to pay the bills. Certainly stands out amongst a pile of CV’s. There’s not much else I can add to this... Just watch the video! read more...

OWASP Top 10 and your Recruitment Website - Part 1
8:30am Monday 09 August 2010
Tags: dmitry kulshitsky security recruitment website job board owasp sql injection xss cross-site scripting broken authentication session management login form design hacking website security user authentication

OWASP has recently updated their list of the top 10 most prevalent security vulnerabilities. Since this list covers all major aspects of computer security it is interesting to check what are the issues that are relevant to a typical recruitment website or job board and (exercising the 80/20 rule) what are the key questions we should ask ourselves (or our IT/security staff) to be sure that we don't miss anything critical. read more...