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Articles posted on 2010-06-23

XAuth. What is it?
8:00am Thursday 24 June 2010
Tags: xauth oauth user autheitication openid facebook connect api opensocial registration form login form social networking

Extended Authentication (XAuth) is a new open platform to extend authenticated user services across the web. You may have noticed that more and more websites are integrating with 3rd party services to allow users to use their existing profile (ie Facebook, LinkedIn, OpenID) to connect with your site. read more...

Product Management Axioms
4:27pm Wednesday 23 June 2010
Tags: product management sales sales process customer needs user adoption saeed khan customer research recruitment software job board software

For those readers interested in Product Management. Let's have a look at some product management axioms originally thought of by Saeed Khan in 2007, and recently summarised in his presentation on the topic. read more...

Tips for Avoiding Website Roadblocks
3:22pm Wednesday 23 June 2010
Tags: website development recruitment websites software projects client satisfaction zurb tips for avoiding website roadblocks

When developing any type of website or software application. Too often you get stuck at the magical 90% completion mark. 90% does not equal 100% satisfaction for any client. We have all been in these situations and Zurb has put together a quick 6 Tips to Avoiding Website Roadblocks blog post. read more...