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Articles posted on 2009-01-12

Is Just Be heading for the RIP list?
8:30pm Monday 12 January 2009

I was notified by a client of Just Be that the job board was offline in early Dec 2008. On inspection the whole sever; including email, was not working. We did tried sending a number of emails, as well as calling the office to find out what was wrong...but no responses. My first thoughts were that the site was undergoing a makeover or have left the building. But it soon appeared online again (early Jan 2009). read more...

Corporate Social Networking Trends
3:41pm Monday 12 January 2009

I read an interesting article about Corporate Social Networking Trends in Talent Management just before Christmas, and only just remembered I had the link saved in my folder. Score! read more...

The difference between a Video Interview and Video Resume
2:06pm Monday 12 January 2009

Lately I have heard recruiters talk about video resumes, including myself here but are you talking about the correct “video”. The most notable difference between video interviews and video resumes is who begins the video process. read more...

Integrated Social Media Solutions for Recruitment
1:26pm Monday 12 January 2009

A fellow twitter friend of mine Ryan Chartrand from the US has produced a short video & podcast on social networking and recruitment. Ryan's rants and ideas echo my own advice and consulting I am provide to clients. Create a strategy, integrate, target and socialise. read more...