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Facebook Lite - Goodbye Facebook Applications

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 8:14pm Sunday 13 September 2009    Print Article

Facebook has released a new version of the website called Facebook Lite. The new site has been designed for users on slow connection speeds and is simply a stripped down, "bare" version of the social networking website. All non-core components including applications have been removed.

This is good news for people who are new to Facebook, as they tend to be most interested in a simple experience. Facebook has become too big and bloated for most users. Users want to focus on establishing their network of friends and communicating with them by writing on their walls, sending messages, or looking at pictures.

Unfortunately this is NOT good news for Recruiters and other organisations that used applications to interact by sending job adverts, gathering user data or referring friends.

We should have been used to an application free environment as neither the mobile version nor iphone application allows application interaction.

Still, the best way to integrate your website with the social network is with Facebook Connect using the API. Facebook Connect can provide much the same level of integration between your website and the users stored data.

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Article Tags: facebook connect facebook applications facebook lite api social networking

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