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Brand Identity Guidelines

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 9:00pm Thursday 21 May 2009    Print Article

Establishing and developing your Recruitment brand and image is a process which takes a great deal of time, energy and money. A brand identity creates loyalty, inspires trust, and allows for ease of recognition of you and your services.

Brand guidelines can often seem a little pedantic – pages of detailed company rules about logo specification, colour palettes, typography and tone of voice can, to some, appear trivial. But, there are plenty of reasons for having them and for sticking to them.

They create consistency of image in your audience’s mind, build stronger brand value over time, deliver an accurate perception of your identity, improve customer confidence in your business, increase your profile and help enhance your competitive advantage.

We have created a template which will help you create your own guidelines and is intended for anyone producing communication in your business.

Download Template

A complete brand identity can be comprised of several segments, not all of which will be present in all circumstances.
  • Business Name
  • Logo, colours
  • Tagline/Slogan
  • Stationary
  • Website
  • URL/Email
It doesn’t matter weather your agency is large or small. The aim of the document is to ensure that all your work embodies brand attributes, expresses them consistently, and helps to build an awareness of the brand.

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Article Tags: branding guidelines brand identity template recruitment agency branding guidelines

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