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Articles tagged with THELADDERS

Monkey Business
9:17pm Sunday 13 February 2011
Tags: careerbuilder superbowl 2011 theladders using video in recruitment tv ads funny ads

It's that time of the year again when US brands spend sh*tloads on TV commercials during the Super Bowl. This year CareerBuilder was the only jobs/employment related brand advertising. If you think CareerBuilder ads are all monkey business, have a look at the new video for TheLadders... err um. You be the judge! read more...

Charging Job Seekers to View or Apply for Jobs
8:00pm Tuesday 15 September 2009
Tags: sixfigures ragtradejobs smsthejob smsmejobs artshub localbacon charging candidates charging job seekers for work rcsa theladders sms job alerts seek mycareer careerone fairfax news ltd

Charging job seekers to help them find work is a very touchy subject. Yes there may be some laws and the RCSA will say it is unethical for Recruiters to double dip etc. Except in the real world, there is nothing stopping a online job site from charging job seekers a fee to access premium content. read more...