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Articles posted on 2009-03-29

Share your LinkedIn profile
9:18pm Sunday 29 March 2009
Tags: jobscore linkedin twitter linkedin profile application form api cheezhead digital resume

Since its launch, LinkedIn has been a thriving success and continues to improve the site for all types of users. While looking into the jobs available at Twitter (No, I am not moving to the USA) I noticed that they are using JobScore as their ATS. read more...

Do not "Auto Approve" job adverts
8:13pm Sunday 29 March 2009
Tags: job boards scam job advert online advertising hippo job board software

It amazes me how job boards (and other classifieds sites) continue to allow adverts to be posted live without checking the job advert or advertiser. Checking to see if the advertiser is legit is one step you can take to stop scams (and fake ads) appearing on your site. read more...

Print Advert Pointers
3:58pm Sunday 29 March 2009
Tags: mycareer print invoice waste print advertising

Readers would be aware of my Saturday morning routine - get up and read The Age's MyCareer section. A few weeks ago we pointed out the wasted print space and this week the paper is inundated with ad pointers. It's a no-brainer that the number of job adverts appearing in the paper is drying up - so now each page is filled up with these stupid pointers.If I worked at either Victoria University or RMIT I would check the invoice to see why you paid for the double-up of pointers on the same page. read more...