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Articles posted on 2010-12-09

OWASP Top 10 and your Recruitment Website - Part 2
4:37pm Thursday 09 December 2010
Tags: recruitment security recruitment websites owasp job boards dmitry kulshitsky security hacking insecure direct object references xss sql injections cross-site request forgery csrf

In part 1 of this series we started a conversation about the OWASP Top 10 most prevalent security vulnerabilities and how relevant these issues were to a typical recruitment web site. In the 2nd part we will review the next 2 items from this list. read more...

So you want to run a job board...
11:41am Thursday 09 December 2010
Tags: job board job board sales job ads job board software job board traffic recruitment technology

Do you have what it takes to run a successful (and profitable) new job board in Australia? Chances are no. read more...