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Articles posted on 2010-05-11

Please review my CV - Trojan Horse
10:35pm Tuesday 11 May 2010
Tags: virus resume job board recruitment website antivirus software resume virus security trojan horse trojan sasfis candidate resume

Do you virus scan all candidate resumes and other documents before you open them? Chances are YOU may be the perfect candidate these people are looking for. read more...

auDA .au Domain Name Drop Lists
11:07am Tuesday 11 May 2010
Tags: auda domain names dot au recruitment agency job board domain name drop list domain registration

Do you know when your .au domain name is going to expire? When most people purchase a .au domain name they think they own the domain name for life. Unfortunately that has never been the case, and with the introduction of the Domain Renewal, Expiry and Deletion Policy (pdf) by the auDA now everyone will know if you forget to renew your domain name. read more...