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Articles posted on 2008-12-01

Recruitment Blogs
8:53pm Monday 01 December 2008

It started with an small idea, and has suddenly grown into a syndication machine... Last week, I was thinking about a way I can subscribe to all blogs/news sources - organised by the time they were posted, easy to find, as well as the ability to share the information with other colleagues as easy as possible. Recruitment Blogs was born. read more...

Sheelagh McKenzie Facebook Application
8:29pm Monday 01 December 2008

It's not often I brag or show off work I have completed for a client, but I couldn't resist this one. I was engaged by a allied health recruitment agency called Sheelagh McKenzie earlier this year to create a Facebook Application as well as a social networking strategy. read more...

Twitter and Recruitment
4:50pm Monday 01 December 2008

A few weeks ago, I resigned up for Twitter to see how much it has changed since I was last actively "tweeting" on the website. There has been a lot of discussion about whether Twitter is useful, fun or just a fad. read more...