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Articles tagged with VIRUS

"Attaging" with QR Codes - The security threat for mobile recruitment
9:21pm Tuesday 04 October 2011
Tags: qr codes mobile recruitment qr code reader android security virus mobile marketing attaging attack tagging

I love all the hype around mobile recruitment. Apparently, QR codes are all the rage at the moment. Hands up those who have a QR code reader on their phone. Most likely the answer is QR what? read more...

Please review my CV - Trojan Horse
10:35pm Tuesday 11 May 2010
Tags: virus resume job board recruitment website antivirus software resume virus security trojan horse trojan sasfis candidate resume

Do you virus scan all candidate resumes and other documents before you open them? Chances are YOU may be the perfect candidate these people are looking for. read more...

How secure is your Recruitment website? Part 3 - Hidden iframe injection
6:06pm Thursday 18 June 2009
Tags: virus ahri iframe injection malicious code recruitment websites job board security hacking insecure twitter malware

A new malware attack has been making the rounds recently. It has infected a number of recruitment web sites, job boards and hosting servers. If you suddenly find that your website is triggering your anti-virus software and flagging it as a “dangerous site”, the culprit may be the hidden iframe injection hack. read more...