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Articles tagged with SPAM

Fail Whale. Phishing link love
1:26pm Friday 06 April 2012
Tags: twitter spam security phishing recruitment adecco myrecruitonline

Hey recruitment industry.... Time to change your passwords. Here are 2 of the 100 or so message I have had over the past week. read more...

The ugly side to blogging
5:18pm Tuesday 27 April 2010
Tags: blogging blogging for recruiters recruitment blog linkme blog spam spam

If you run a blog, you should keep it clean. Unfortunately automated systems are not fool proof and spammers can attack your site. The best thing to do if you no longer blog (and update your system software) is to delete it. read more...

Cut the fat. CAPTCHA
11:32pm Monday 18 January 2010
Tags: captcha cut the fat application form job board application form spam spam bad behavior akismet user experience vvc visual verification code

CAPTCHA is a program that protects websites against bots and spam by generating and grading tests that humans can pass but computer programs cannot. Nobody wants to use CAPTCHAs. They're a necessary evil. So why do we use them on application forms? read more...