Article Search Engine
Articles tagged with SEEKMore jobs than SEEK?2:53pm Friday 06 April 2012
Tags: seek job board job aggregation scraping uworkin aussierecruitment jobg8 reinvent your career careerone expired ads job ad indeed I have to give credit to new players entering the market. But basing success on a questionable metric is not a smartest move. Are job aggregators, job boards?
read more...Is it time to say farewell to 3rd party application forms?11:30am Tuesday 19 July 2011
Tags: seek jobadder application form linkout ats application tracking systems multiposter ddos candidate experience job board recruitment systems user experience At last! SEEK's new application export function (or as I like to call it "job application webservice") is live and ready to go. Kudos to Jobadder for being the first to implement this new function for their clients.
read more...RIP TheBigChair, MyCareer Head Hunter7:00am Tuesday 10 May 2011
Tags: jobfox mycareer thebigchair rip job boards online recruitment fairfax seek linkedin resume database Thank you for visiting TheBigChair - unfortunately we’ve shut down! It's no surprise there was no mention of the future of TheBigChair or MyCareer Head Hunter in last years Fairfax investors presentation. Both sites will now be laid to rest in the ever increasing job board cemetery.
read more...What should you build first - mobile website or native app?7:57am Thursday 24 March 2011
Tags: mobile recruitment mobile job sites careerone seek mycareer iphone apps native apps job search mobile job search cross platform recruitment websites mobile career sites All 3 major job boards here in Australia are dabbling in mobile, and there are 2 distinct strategies adopted. Only 1 site has won. It should be a no brainer, but should you be building a mobile optimised website or native application for your recruitment website?
read more...Australian Job Board Statistics - November 20109:43am Monday 06 December 2010
Tags: job board statistics job board report october 2010 careerone mycareer job board seek nielsen netratings Australian Job Board Statistics measuring the total unique browsers during November 2010. Data source - Nielsen NetRatings. SEEK 4.245m, CareerOne 1.717m, MyCareer 1.383m
read more...SEEK adds LinkedIn profile import tool7:00am Monday 29 November 2010
Tags: seek linkedin linkedin api job board linkedin integration job board resume database candidate profile SEEK has finally released the new job seeker resume database. Registered job seekers will now be able to parse their existing resume (using FAST Search) OR import their existing LinkedIn profile to the new SEEK job seeker database. SEEK's LinkedIn integration is very simple for job seekers to use and it's modeled on the same processed I have discussed previously.
read more...Australian Job Board Statistics - October 20109:00am Monday 01 November 2010
Tags: job board statistics job board report october 2010 careerone mycareer job board seek nielsen netratings Australian Job Board Statistics measuring the total unique browsers during October 2010. Data source - Nielsen NetRatings. SEEK 4.295m, CareerOne 1.625m, MyCareer 1.379m
read more...SEEK mobile5:47pm Sunday 31 October 2010
Tags: seek seek mobile mobile recruitment mobile job search iphone app job board mobile job site mobile recruiting In what is shaping up to be a "battle for the mobile job seeker". SEEK has finally released the first stage of its mobile arsenal. The new SEEK mobile website is a very simple site that automatically detects and then redirects users who view the main site to the mobile version
read more...How to make job searching cool11:37am Wednesday 13 October 2010
Tags: funny job ads job boards careerone mycareer seek mgmt tv commercials funny videos mycareer lube indigenous jobs australia Add 2 cups of creativity, a message, a few "below the line" suggestions and target the correct audience. Don't you just love the creativity of marketing agencies? Some people may find them a bit weird while others marvel at the creativity. Below are some of my other favourite job search videos (besides the Monster/CareerBuilder Superbowl ads). I can't remember this TV campaign from MyCareer ever going to air. Do you?
read more...Australian Job Board Statistics - September 20101:16pm Monday 04 October 2010
Tags: job board mycareer careerone september 2010 job board report job board statistics seek nielsen netratings Australian Job Board Statistics measuring the total unique browsers during September 2010. Data source - Nielsen NetRatings. SEEK 4.128m, CareerOne 1.591m, MyCareer 1.323m
read more...Carey Eaton talking about "The Marketplace"10:51pm Monday 27 September 2010
Tags: seek robert half carey eaton cio recruitment technology interview Robert Half recently interviewed Carey Eaton, CIO at SEEK on the role (and career path) of a CIO. It's quite interesting to hear why SEEK is not a technology company and his views on the marketplace.
read more...Australian Job Board Statistics - August 20109:00am Sunday 01 August 2010
Tags: job board mycareer careerone august 2010 job board report job board statistics seek nielsen netratings Australian Job Board Statistics measuring the total unique browsers during August 2010. Data source - Nielsen NetRatings. SEEK 4.165m, CareerOne 1.652m, MyCareer 1.371m
read more...Australian Job Board Statistics - June 20104:07pm Friday 02 July 2010
Tags: job board mycareer careerone june 2010 job board report job board statistics seek nielsen netratings Australian Job Board Statistics measuring the total unique browsers during June 2010. Data source - Nielsen NetRatings. SEEK 3.899m, CareerOne 1.554m, MyCareer 1.264m
read more...Australian Job Board Statistics - July 20109:00am Thursday 01 July 2010
Tags: job board mycareer careerone july 2010 job board report job board statistics seek nielsen netratings Australian Job Board Statistics measuring the total unique browsers during July 2010. Data source - Nielsen NetRatings. SEEK 4.071m, CareerOne 1.578m, MyCareer 1.338m
read more...Australian Job Board Statistics - May 20108:00am Thursday 17 June 2010
Tags: job board statistics job board report may 2010 careerone mycareer job board seek nielsen netratings Australian Job Board Statistics measuring the total unique browsers during May 2010. Data source - Nielsen NetRatings. SEEK 3.998m, CareerOne 1.610m, MyCareer 1.338m
read more...Australian Job Board Statistics - April 20104:29pm Tuesday 18 May 2010
Tags: job board statistics job board report april 2010 careerone mycareer job board seek nielsen netratings Australian Job Board Statistics measuring the total unique browsers during April 2010. Data source - Nielsen NetRatings. SEEK 3.769m, CareerOne 1.527m, MyCareer 1.265m
read more...Job Board Statistics - March 20107:02pm Tuesday 06 April 2010
Tags: nielsen netratings job board statistics job board mycareer careerone seek march 2010 job board report Australian Job Board Statistics measuring the total unique browsers during March 2010. Data source - Nielsen NetRatings. SEEK 4.26m, CareerOne 1.789m, MyCareer 1.493m
read more...Job Board Statistics - February 20104:12pm Wednesday 03 March 2010
Tags: seek careerone mycareer job board job board statistics nielsen netratings february 2010 job board report Australian Job Board Statistics measuring the total unique browsers during February 2010. Data source - Nielsen NetRatings. SEEK 3.98m, CareerOne 1.76m, MyCareer 1.43m
read more...Job Board Statistics - January 20101:53pm Tuesday 02 February 2010
Tags: nielsen netratings job board statistics job board january 2010 seek careerone mycareer job board report Australian Job Board Statistics measuring the total unique browsers during January 2010. Data source - Nielsen NetRatings. SEEK 3.872m, CareerOne 1.747m, MyCareer 1.448m
read more...Job Board Statistics - December 20099:00am Friday 01 January 2010
Tags: nielsen netratings job board statistics job board december 2009 seek careerone mycareer job board report Australian Job Board Statistics measuring the total unique browsers during December 2009. Data source - Nielsen NetRatings. SEEK 3.064m, CareerOne 1.282m, MyCareer 1.087m
read more...Are you a Social Recruitment wanker?9:47am Monday 07 December 2009
Tags: social recruiting social recruitment twitter facebook myspace seek job board statistics social recruitment wanker social media club online recruitment online recruitment industry job boards carsales realestate online classifieds future of job boards There may come a time where you are so immersed in social media you become a wanker. You forget about the real world. Real relationships. A world where you pick up the phone to call a candidate or catch-up with a client for a coffee. For all those who know me, I would rather communicate over the phone than correspond via Twitter.
read more...Job Board Statistics - November 20099:00am Tuesday 01 December 2009
Tags: nielsen netratings job board statistics job board november 2009 seek careerone mycareer job board report Australian Job Board Statistics measuring the total unique browsers during November 2009. Data source - Nielsen NetRatings. SEEK 3.987m, CareerOne 1.535m, MyCareer 1.318m
read more...Gone in 60 seconds. The Candidate Registration Process1:25am Monday 09 November 2009
Tags: candidate registration job boards job sites online recruitment ux ui modal boxes jquery password strength seek user experience form validation validation process job seeker Most sites make it very hard for a job seeker to register for an account. The first problem they face is being redirected from the initial page they were viewing to a separate registration page. Secondly, there are often required fields like username, email address or password which require validation of some sorts.
read more...Job Board Statistics - Oct 094:52pm Monday 02 November 2009
Tags: nielsen netratings job board statistics job board october 2009 seek careerone mycareer job board report Australian Job Board Statistics measuring the total unique browsers between October 2008 and October 2009. Data source - Nielsen NetRatings. SEEK 3.829m, CareerOne 1.578m, MyCareer 1.249m
read more...SEEK Play Room10:17am Thursday 22 October 2009
Tags: seek games seek play room cannon tester Do you need some fun at work today? SEEK has released a new game called Cannon Tester. What is your highest score?
read more...Job Board Statistics - Sep 091:37pm Monday 19 October 2009
Tags: september 2009 job board job board statistics nielsen netratings seek careerone mycareer job board report Australian Job Board Statistics measuring the total unique browsers between September 2008 and September 2009. Data source - Nielsen NetRatings. SEEK 3.636m, CareerOne 1.601m, MyCareer 1.189m
read more...Charging Job Seekers to View or Apply for Jobs8:00pm Tuesday 15 September 2009
Tags: sixfigures ragtradejobs smsthejob smsmejobs artshub localbacon charging candidates charging job seekers for work rcsa theladders sms job alerts seek mycareer careerone fairfax news ltd Charging job seekers to help them find work is a very touchy subject. Yes there may be some laws and the RCSA will say it is unethical for Recruiters to double dip etc. Except in the real world, there is nothing stopping a online job site from charging job seekers a fee to access premium content.
read more...Should you post jobs to Google Base?11:00am Monday 07 September 2009
Tags: google base job search job board online recruitment xml job feed data structure search engine yahoo search api data feed seo organic search traffic seek free job board google maps google products recruitment industry Last week, I was drawn into an discussion regarding Google Base. It was a simple question... Should you post jobs to Google Base?
read more...Post-n-Pray vs Pay for Performance8:00am Monday 10 August 2009
Tags: pay to post pay for performance job board online recruitment p4p post n pray ppa ppp pay per application pay per placement advertising model seek careerone mycareer nielsen netratings revenue model candidate tracking Is the Australian online recruitment market ever going to see a shift away from the traditional 'pay-to-post' model to a 'pay for performance' (P4P) revenue model? Pay for performance is also commonly referred to as pay-per-application (PPA) or pay-per-placement (PPP).
read more...Search Engine Friendly URLs4:01pm Sunday 26 July 2009
Tags: seek careerone mycareer friendly url search engine friendly seo search engine optimisation jobsjobsjobs nowhiring capitaljobs job aggregators sef url job boards recruitment websites Job aggregation sites were one of the fist to fully embraced the search engine friendly (SEF) URL structure, as it generates high organic traffic from the search engines. Over the past few years, other job boards have been envious of MyCareer's SEF URL structure and now SEEK has implemented a SEF URL structure for each job advert.
read more...SEEK updates search function1:48pm Sunday 19 July 2009
Tags: seek job search search criteria salary range job classifications job board SEEK NZ has released an updated search function to include expanded classifications and search by salary range. I am not a fan of searching by salary brackets as it does not properly accommodate hourly contractor rates, commission or non financial extras.
read more...Has your job expired?12:14pm Tuesday 16 June 2009
Tags: skype marketing campaign video seek curiosity You must be curious. What's with the dandruff-farm-turned-ski-resort in this video? At first I thought it was new marketing campaign for SEEK, but I was wrong. This recruitment marketing campaign is actually for international VoIP provider Skype.
read more...SEEK increases job advert expiry to 45 days5:34pm Sunday 17 May 2009
Tags: seek job ads job board expiry date error strategy analyst geoff jennings Great news for all SEEK advertisers. They have changed the default job advert expiry length from 30 days to 45 days! Oh no, hang on... on second look, this only applies for jobs posted under the SEEK Ltd advertiser account.
read more...Ooops tips - May 20097:33pm Tuesday 12 May 2009
Tags: seek mycareer linkme job boards ooops job advert online recruitment First off, I must thank all the blog/twitter followers who send me emails pointing out these issues. Following on from The ooops tips for job adverts Feb 2009 here are some more slip-ups.
read more...Radio Interview - Online Recruitment in a web 2.0 world10:59pm Monday 11 May 2009
Tags: interview web2.0 joy94.9 thomas shaw online recruitment job boards seek careerone jason shaw social networking background searching job seeker tips recruitment agencies technogaze Tonight I was interviews on Joy 94.9 a community radio station in Melbourne. I was the special guest of the weekly 7pm show called "Technogaze - gazing into the past, present and future of technology". I spoke on various topics such as Social Networking, Job Boards, Online Recruitment, Background Searching and job seeker tips. You can download the full podcast or listen to the full show below (the interview starts at around the 9m mark)
read more...Recruitment Rumble2:05pm Thursday 07 May 2009
Tags: mp3 recruitment rumble thomas shaw geoff jennings diane lee recruitment directory rcsa careerone seek even it up online recruitment Below is the live recording of "Recruitment Rumble" 7th May 2009 with Thomas Shaw, Geoff Jennings and Diane Lee. The topics covered in the rumble included:
read more...Upcoming Webinar - Recruitment Rumble9:08pm Thursday 30 April 2009
Tags: geoff jennings diane lee thomas shaw online recruitment social recruiting rcsa seek careerone monster webinar rumble discussion debate fake ads recruitment agency There's nothing like a good stoush. Join online recruitment industry leaders Geoff Jennings and Thomas Shaw for a LIVE "Recruitment Rumble". All gloves will be off as Geoff and Thomas go head to head in a discussion about key topics (Geoff may even wear his shiny purple boxing shorts).
read more...Great Australian Pay Check10:48am Thursday 16 April 2009
Tags: salary survey seek seek paycheck paycheck SEEK has just released the Great Australian Pay Check (aka salary survey results) it started compiling from users 12 months ago. The reports contain a wealth of information for job seekers, recruiters and HR to compare salary packages. SEEK's survey data size and report contents squash all rivals.
read more...What do you think of the SEEK site?12:55pm Friday 03 April 2009
Tags: seek survey funny It's friday, let's have some fun.