Examples of Job Search Widgets

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 10:00am Monday 14 September 2009

A widget is a small application that runs either on your desktop or embedded within a web page. A widget adds content to a page provided by another site. Generally widgets are provided by third parties sites, eg. A job board providing the ability for you to display job search functions on your own website.

Job sites create widgets to increase distribution and create loyalty within the user base. By displaying a widget on your website/blog, you can provide your readers with jobs and content from your favorite job site.

Some publishers can earn money from displaying widgets on their website or blog. The widget will allow you to show relevant jobs to your users and earn money every time someone clicks a job link, registers with the job board, signs up for the newsletter etc.

There are various types of widgets available including:
Most providers will have some sort of sign up process where you can choose the type of widget to display and customise the various components.

These customisations can include specific job classifications, location, number of jobs to display etc.
  1. Select your job criteria
  2. Customise the design
  3. Generate and preview your widget
  4. Copy and Paste the generated code into your website
Widget providers should comply with the IAB Ad Unit Guidelines specifying size restrictions to allow maximum compatibility with existing ad serving programs.

When choosing a widget for your website, make sure you think about the users experience. The key is to seamlessly blend the widget into your website.