Surviving a Redundancy - 10 strategies to get yourself and your career back on track

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 3:34pm Tuesday 19 May 2009

Below is a live recording of today’s webinar with Keith Keller and Annemarie Cross on “Surviving a Redundancy: 10 strategies to get yourself and your career back on track” You can register for other upcoming webinars here

Loosing your job can be a frightening situation, particularly if you have been out of the job market for some time and unsure about the whole job search process.

Never before has it been more important to have a professional marketing document (your resume), a clear job search plan and action plan to support you in re-entering the job market with confidence. And, of equal importance is that you maintain a positive mind-set throughout your job search – something that’s becoming difficult to maintain with all the negative imagery being portrayed by the media.

This webinar will identify key job search strategies to ensure you're able to survive and thrive within a tightening job market.

Download Webinar Recording 19th May 2009 - 51.71MB