Share your LinkedIn profile

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 9:18pm Sunday 29 March 2009

Since its launch, LinkedIn has been a thriving success and continues to improve the site for all types of users. While looking into the jobs available at Twitter (No, I am not moving to the USA) I noticed that they are using JobScore as their ATS.

JobScore is a free applicant tracking system and a resume sharing network. It empowers employers to build their own candidate pipeline and exchange their un-hired resumes for qualified, interested candidates (with the candidate's permission). Read an early review about the site at Cheezhead.

What is so interesting about this find is that JobScore has utilized the LinkedIn API and integrated this into the application form/ATS. When you apply for a job through the JobScore system, it allows you to attach your LinkedIn profile. I would assume that this therefore allows the ATS to automatically update your profile on the database (JobScore) when you update or change your details on LinkedIn.

I can see this integration being adopted with more job boards over time. In the future, there will be no need to upload your resume every time you apply for a job - you will store your resume on one site, and authorise the ATS to view/update each time. The steps to attach your LinkedIn profile to the application form are quite simple.

1. Click on the “Share your LinkedIn profile”.

2. Authorise LinkedIn to allow JobScore access to your profile. You therefore allow the ATS (and therefore the Employer) the ability to see who is in your network, your profile, and updates)

Note: You can turn off the 3rd party authorization in your LinkedIn “Account & Settings” page.

This API integration seems to remind me of Facebook Connect.

3. After allowing LinkedIn access, you are redirected back the application form to complete the application process.