Using LinkedIn Answers to become an expert in your niche

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 8:44pm Sunday 08 February 2009

LinkedIn Answers is very powerful tool on LinkedIn as it can help you establish yourself as an expert in your niche. LinkedIn Answers is one of the best places on the web to share business knowledge - you can ask and answer questions on specific subject matter.

By demonstrating your expertise on LinkedIn you earn recognition that helps you build your credibility. The more points of expertise you gain, the higher you appear on lists of experts.

The beauty of answering questions on LinkedIn is that you have no idea who may be reading your answers. Pick a couple of great questions that you can add value to and answer them. After you have answered a few, try to post a few questions.

Don't be defeated if you do not get answers, rephrase the question and put it out again. Be consistent become known as an expert.

Here are some tips for answering questions that will build your reputation

When posting questions follow these simple tips for asking good questions: