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Articles posted on 2009-03-27

There have been 2 Applications for this job
2:43pm Friday 27 March 2009

Did you know that some of the job adverts on JobsJobsJobs display the number of people that apply for a job? Surprised... So am I. Today we noticed a BDM role with JobX posted on JobsJobsJobs. Are they only just "sharing content" or is the merger announcement delayed due to another merger process still under discussion? read more...

Prepare yourself for the job searching process
11:57pm Thursday 26 March 2009

Finding a job used to be a very slow process, but this has drastically changed with the advent of online job boards and social networking sites. Rather than watch the Saturday morning paper shrink in size - you can supercharge your job search by setting up an account with a multitude of online job boards and have hundreds of leads delivered to you inbox daily. You can also create an online profiles on social networking sites, where you can increase the chances of being found (or finding a job). read more...